1 Male Cat (if not neutered) can father
420,000 Kittens in 5 Years!


A FEMALE DOG that has not been “fixed” can BIRTH this many PUPPIES

16 in 1 year    |    128 in 2 years    |    512 in 3 years


A FEMALE CAT that has not been “fixed” can BIRTH this many KITTENS

12 in 1 year    |    67 in 2 years    |    376 in 3 years


With donations from our generous community since January 2014, Spay It Forward has been blessed to provide funds for spay and neuter…

710 Dogs Altered

11,360 Unwanted Puppy Births Prevented

4,183 Cats Altered

50,196 Unwanted Kitten Births Prevented

Facts About Pet Overpopulation

In every community there are homeless animals. In the U.S. there are an estimated 6-8 million homeless dogs and cats entering animal shelters every year. Barely half of these animals are adopted. Tragically, the rest are euthanized due to sickness, aggression or because there is simply no place for them.

COMMUNITIES, NOT ANIMAL CONTROL, are responsible for the thousands of dogs and cats that enter the shelters. Animal Control officers must accept every animal brought to the shelter and officers are required to pick up animals that are strays. Therefore, they have no control over how many animals enter the shelter at a given time. Animal Control/Shelters rely on owner reclamation, rescue groups and public adoptions to remove animals from the shelter.

OUR COMMUNITY is responsible for the homeless and neglected dogs and cats. It is the responsibility of OUR COMMUNITY to help prevent their suffering.

Homeless Pets in Cabarrus County

2023 Cabarrus County Animal Control Numbers

Total number of Dog Intakes: 1,614
(Stray, Owner Surrender, Picked up by Officers)

Total number of Dogs Out: 1,644

– Adoptions : 390

– Transfer out (to rescues) : 313

– Returned to Owner : 582

– Total Euthanized – 359 
   (medical, behavioral, lack of space)

Total number of Cat Intakes: 1,458
(Stray, Owner Surrender, Picked up by Officers)

Total number of Cats Out: 1,453

– Adoptions : 461

– Transfer out (to rescue) : 328

– Return to Owner : 30

– Total Euthanized – 634
  (medical, behavioral)

Approximately 1,600 dogs were taken in by area rescue groups as strays and owner surrenders, which avoided Animal Control altogether.

Why Spay or Neuter your pet?

It instantly reduces the number of potential unwanted kittens and puppies.


It decreases the number of stray animals that create a health/safety hazard for people and other animals.


It reduces the number of animals that Animal Control must take in and/or euthanize AND creates big savings to the County and its citizens.


Altered animals most often are better behaved, easier to train, calmer and more affectionate than those that are not.


Spaying a female eliminates the heat cycle, bleeding, crying and the desire to roam in search of a mate.


Neutered males are less likely to “mark” their territory and try to run away to find an unaltered female.


Most dog parks and doggie daycare facilities require attendees to be spayed or neutered.


Research indicates that spaying or neutering a dog or cat helps to reduce the occurrence of common prostate, uterine and breast cancers.


Spayed and neutered animals are more sociable with others of the same gender and exhibit fewer dominant tendencies.


Spaying and neutering do not cause a pet to get fat—overeating and lack of exercise do.


Spaying and neutering feral/wild cats prevent fighting among males and thus prevents injuries.


Preventing the birth of unwanted puppies and kittens is the humane thing to do.


Neutering a male dog does not necessarily decrease his desire to protect his home.